Central Highlands Visitor Centre

Central Highlands Visitor Centre

The Central Highlands Visitor Centre is located in Market Place Bothwell.

Hours of operation are:

11.00am – 3.00pm

Please note: hours are subject to change due to volunteer availability and we suggest people phone to confirm opening hours before travelling to Bothwell

Contact details:
Ph: 6259 4033
Email: info@ausgolfmuseum.com

The Central Highlands Visitor Centre is run solely by volunteers and are always seeking interested people who would like to volunteer their time.

Central Highlands Visitor Centre Volunteers Required

The Visitor Centre utilises committed community members who volunteer their time to fulfil this role. Their continued support and assistance is invaluable for the success of this service.
We have a high demand for visitor information and are currently seeking more Visitor Centre Volunteers to join our service. If you or anyone you know might have some spare time once a week or fortnight and would be interested in assisting, please contact the Visitor Centre during business hours on 6259 4033.