Welcome To The Central Highlands
The Heart of Tasmania
The Central Highlands covers 8,010 sq km, or 12 per cent of Tasmania’s land mass, and is home to disparate, but thriving communities.

It has a permanent population of 2,216 and 3,700 ratepayers, many of whom own shacks in the communities around the region’s numerous spectacular lakes and mountains.
The Central Highlands boasts glorious scenery and dramatic built heritage dating back to the early 19th century. It is the birthplace of Tasmania’s Hydro-Electric power system and home to the best trout fishing in the southern hemisphere.
Our region is host to a World Heritage Area, two national parks and other Wilderness Conservation Areas, to Tasmania’s recreational fly fishing, hunting and bushwalking communities, and has strong agricultural, horticultural and tourism industries.
Local Structure Planning for Bothwell, Hamilton & Ouse
Closing Date for Submissions has been extended to 5pm on Friday 31st January 2025
Regional Strategic Planning for Southern Tasmania
Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy
What is STRLUS?
The Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy (STRLUS) is a plan to manage how land is used and developed in Southern Tasmania over the next 25 years. It helps guide growth and change in the region. The twelve Councils of the Southern Region along with the Tasmanian Government are updating the STRLUS.
Which areas does the STRLUS cover?
STRLUS covers these areas:
- Brighton
- Central Highlands
- Clarence
- Derwent Valley
- Glamorgan Spring-Bay
- Glenorchy
- Hobart
- Huon Valley
- Kingborough
- Sorell
- Southern Midlands
- Tasman
What is the State of Play Document?
The State of Play document looks at current data and trends to understand how the region is changing. It helps with the STRLUS review and will be updated regularly.
How to Get Involved:
You can get involved by visiting shapingtasmania.com.au. Here, you’ll find the State of Play report, the community survey and further details on how to share your feedback.
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More information can be found on the TasALERTS Website