Caravan & Camping Sites
Bothwell Caravan Park
$40 a night powered site & $30 unpowered
Dump site, showers, toilets, laundry
No Bookings taken for this site (except for the annual Highlands Bushfest held in November each year)
Ph: (03) 6259 5503
Fees can be paid at the Bothwell Council Office during normal opening hours or the Bothwell Garage out of hours and weekends.
Please CLICK HERE to view a copy of Council Camping Ground Facilities Policy
Bronte Park Campsite
Gravel sites
Please call Bronte Park Village
Ph: (03) 6289 1126
Wayatinah Caravan Park
Showers, toilets, laundry
Tennis court, games room, swimming pool
Ph: 6289 3317
Woods Lake Camping Area
Bush Camping, No Facilities
Camping between boat ramp & dam wall
May need 4WD on the road leading to lake
Bethune Park, Lake Meadowbank
Free Camping Area
Toilets, Boatramp close by
Maximum 7 night stay
Please CLICK HERE to view a copy of Council Camping Ground Facilities Policy
Tarraleah Caravan Park (open Dec-April inclusive)
$36 a night powered site & $20 unpowered
Showers, toilets, laundry, BBQ, Summer Tavern
(03) 6289 0111
Brady’s Lake Camping Area
Bush Camping
7 days maximum stay
Phone Hydro Tasmania Ph: 6271 6221
Dago Point Camping Area, Lake Sorell
Playground & Toilet facilities
Please call PWS Great Western Tiers Field Centre
Ph: (03) 6263 5133
Hamilton Camping Ground
$20 a night, 7 night maximum stay
Dump site, showers, toilets, laundry
No Bookings taken for this site
Ph: (03) 6286 3202
Camping fees can be paid at the Hamilton Council Office during normal opening hours or paid via cash and placed in envelope supplied and deposited in box provided on-site.
Please CLICK HERE to view a copy of Council Camping Ground Facilities Policy
Pumphouse Bay Camping Area
Closed for maintenance until August 2023
Further information can be found HERE
Great Lake Caravan Park
$10 a night
Powered & unpowered sites
Ph: (03) 6259 8163
Jonah Bay Camping Area
Closed for maintenance until August 2023
Further information can be found HERE