The safety of the Central Highlands community, our customers and staff is our top priority and we are continuing to monitor developments relating to the Covid-19 Pandemic daily.
A new Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website has been launched and is the single source of truth for information relating to COVID-19 – www.coronavirus.tas.gov.au
Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak is very important. Beyond Blue’s Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak provides some practical advice about how to foster healthy mental health and where to go if you need help.
A new hotline for older Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic has been launched. The new COVID-19 hotline will help older Australians get the critical information they need to stay health and safe during the pandemic, providing an accessible one-stop source for personal support, questions and up-to-date guidelines.
Further information can be accessed here – New Hotline for older Australians during COVID-19