Rates and Charges
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Notice of 2024 / 2025 Rates & Charges
Under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Fire Service Act 1979, the Central Highlands Council has made the following rates and charges upon rateable land within the municipal area of Central Highlands (“the municipal area”): –
General Rate
A General Rate pursuant to Section 90 and Section 91 of the Local Government Act 1993 consisting of:
(a) 2.703392 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value for all separately valued parcels of rateable land within the Central Highlands Council area; and
(b) A fixed charge of $464.41 which applies to all rateable land.
Waste Management Charge
2 A Service Charge pursuant to Section 94 of the Local Government Act 1993 consisting of:
(a) For the municipal area, a Waste Management Charge of $331.00 for all rateable land; and
(b) For the different parts of the municipal area specified, by declaration of an absolute majority of Council pursuant to sections 94(3) and 107 of the Local Government Act
1993, the Waste Management Charge is varied as follows:
i. Land to which Council provides a garbage and recycling collection service and which is used for commercial purposes is charged $622.00 per tenement; and
ii. All land outside the Council’s garbage and recycling collection service area which comprises a separately valued parcel of rateable land within the municipal area is charged the amount specified under the heading “Charge” according to the use or non-use of the land specified under the heading “Type”:
Fees |
Type: | Charge: | Factor: |
a. Commercial properties | $593 | Use of land |
b. Land used for residential purposes, industrial purposes, public purposes, primary production, sporting or recreational facilities, or quarrying or mining. | $202 | Use of land |
c. Non-use of land | $105 | Non-use of land |
Fire Service Contribution
3 For the Council’s contribution to the State Fire Commission pursuant to Section 93A of the Local Government Act 1993:
(a) For land within the Bothwell Volunteer Brigade Rating District an amount of 0.283512 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value of all separately
valued parcels of rateable land subject to a minimum $49.00; and
(b) For all other land in the Municipal area an amount of 0.272980 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value of all separately valued parcels of the land subject
to a minimum $49.00.
4 Rates are payable by four instalments due on the following dates:
Instalment No. 1 30 August 2024
Instalment No. 2 29 November 2024
Instalment No. 3 28 February 2025
Instalment No. 4 30 April 2025
5 A penalty of 10% applies to each instalment not paid by the due instalment date.
Adjusted Values
6 For the purposes of this resolution, any reference to the assessed annual value includes a reference to that value as adjusted pursuant to Section 89 and Section
89A of the Local Government Act 1993 as amended.
These rates are for the year commencing 1st July 2024 and ending 30th June 2025 and are payable to the Council at it’s Offices at Alexander Street, Bothwell or Tarleton Street, Hamilton