Community Publications
The Highland Digest
The Highland Digest is published by Ouse Online Community Access Centre. If you have Articles, Letters, Photos or Advertisements that you would like included in the Digest please forward it to:
The Highland Digest
PO Box 9 Ouse 7140
Ouse Online Access Centre
The Old Library Building
6947 Main Road Ouse 7140
Phone/Fax: (03) 6287 1441
Editor: (03) 6249 1597
Please note that the deadline for submissions is the last Wednesday of each month.
The Highland Digest is on sale now and available from:
Arthurs Lake Roadhouse, Bushy Park Roadhouse, Castle Hotel, Bothwell Garage, Bothwell Superstore, Bothwell Post Office, Bothwell Council Office, Central Highlands Lodge, Ouse Post Office, Hamilton Council Office, Ellendale Post Office, Westerway Roadhouse, Bronte Park General Store, Wild Fennel Bakery, Derwent Bridge Café, Ouse IGA, Adventure Tarraleah, Ouse Roadhouse, Ouse Online Access Centre, New Norfolk Newsagency, Gretna Green Hotel, Jacksons Emporium, Wayatinah Store, Hamilton Inn Hotel.
Annual subscriptions are available for you to receive The Highland Digest by post or online. Contact us for details.
What’s The Land For?
A complete set of the Central Plateau Oral History is available for purchase from the Central Highlands Council. The set consists of 6 books including an index. If you wish to purchase a set you can do so by placing an order through the email link below or by contacting our Hamilton office on (03) 6286 3202. The sets are $99.00 ($16.50 each) collected or, $150.00 ($25.00 each) to have them posted.
To order your copy now via email please be sure to include Name, Postal address (if required), date of pick up and the volumes you would like to purchase. If you would like to have them posted please forward cheque/money order or credit card details with your order (make sure to include postage) post to PO Box 20, Hamilton TAS 7140.
*Now also available on CD for $35.00 for the complete set (includes postage).
Hamiltons of the World

The inspiration for this book came from the Hamilton East Rotary Club, in New Zealand, devising a fundraiser.Eventually 120 Hamiltons across the world were discovered and listed, with Hamilton, in Tasmania’s Central Highlands, the oldest in Australia, founded in 1824.
The fully illustrated hard back book is available from Hamilton Heritage Centre, Tarleton Street, Hamilton, Tasmania, or the Rotary Club of Hamilton East, New Zealand.
Wayatinah – ‘A Way of Life’
A book, written by local resident Vicki Knowles, detailing the journey of those who became the community of Wayatinah, one of the pre-eminent pillars of the Central Highlands rich Hydro-Electric history.
Villages — Tasmania — Wayatinah.
Community life — Tasmania — Wayatinah — History.
Wayatinah (Tas.) — Social life and customs.
Wayatinah (Tas.) — History.
Central Highlands (Tas.) — History.
Mobile: 0427 743 666
(Left: Vicki Knowles pictured with a copy of her history of the Wayatinah community.)