Central Highlands Health and Wellbeing Plan
‘Being Well and Staying Well in the Heart of Tasmania’
You are invited to comment on the Central Highlands Health and Wellbeing Plan ‘Being Well and Staying Well in the Heart of Tasmania’ which was approved by Council for public comment on 21 April 2020.
The plan was developed following extensive community consultation and research.
‘Being Well and Staying Well in the Heart of Tasmania’ acknowledges that we need healthy communities, good health services now, and investment in our future health.
These themes, with key actions, are set out in the plan.
Your opportunity to comment is open from 4 May 2020 and closes on 1 June 2020.
Comments can be made by email to council@centralhighlands.tas.gov.au , or by mail to PO Box 20, Hamilton Tasmania 7140.
Following this period of public comment, all responses will be reviewed and the plan revised as appropriate.
A copy of the plan can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
If you would like a copy mailed to you please contact Council on 03 6286 3202 or email at council@centralhighlands.tas.gov.au