As part of Council’s Waste Management Program two bulky waste collections are held throughout the year. Collections will be held during 2020 on the following days:
Tuesday 28th April and Tuesday 1st December – Great Lake, Arthurs Lake, Bradys Lake, Bronte Park & Derwent Bridge Areas;
Wednesday 29th April and Wednesday 2nd December – Bothwell, Hamilton, Gretna, Interlaken, Lower Marshes & Pelham Areas; and
Thursday 30th April and Thursday 3rd December – Ellendale, Fentonbury, Westerway North, Osterley, Ouse, Strickland & Wayatinah Areas.
• All collections must be booked in by contacting the Development & Environmental Services Office on 6259 5503 or email kbradburn@centralhighlands.tas.gov.au four (4) days prior to collection day.
• Articles must be placed on the roadside by 6.00am on the collection day.
• All containers will be regarded as clean up articles and will be taken.
• All articles must not exceed 1.5 metres in length and must be capable of being lifted by two persons only.
• All waste must be, boxed, bagged or bundled. Large crates or rubbish bins are not to be used.
• Trees and/or shrubs should have trunks no greater than 10cm in diameter, be approximately 1.5m in length and be tied in neat bundles to allow handling by two persons.
• The total waste volume put out for collection must not exceed two cubic metres (approximately 1.5m x 1.5m) per household.
• Bricks, rocks, concrete, tyres or refrigerator units will not be collected.
• Dangerous items such as broken glass and asbestos, any liquids such as pesticides, herbicides, paint or other chemicals will not be collected.
Please note items not complying with the above conditions will not be collected