Emergency Management

Have you been effected by the recent floods?

Community Drop-in Sessions

Have you been affected by the recent floods? Attend a drop-in session and find out what support is available to you.

  • Tuesday 10 Sept – Glenora District School  (620 Gordon River Road, Glenora), 3pm-6pm
  • Wednesday 11 Sept – Maydena  RSL (70 Kallista Rd, Maydena), 3pm-7pm
  • Thursday 12 Sept – Ouse Hall (6955 Lyell Highway, Ouse), 2pm-6pm
  • Friday 13 Sept – Westerway Hall (1571 Gordon River Road, Westerway), 2pm-6pm


For the latest flood updates visit TasALERT.com or listen to ABC Local Radio.


Recovery Grants

The Premier has announced Recovery and Restoration Grants to support low-income Tasmanians whose homes have been damaged by the storms and flooding.

The Recovery and Restoration Grants provide people with support through the:

  • Replacement of Essential Household Grants, providing up to $11,450 available depending on the size of the affected property.
  • Repair and Restoration Works Grants which will help to re-establish the principal place of residence to a basic, minimum standard, to allow it to be inhabited (up to $11,450 available)

From 2pm Wednesday 11 September 2024, affected individuals can apply for Recovery and Restoration Grants online at: https://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/cpp/community-grants.

More information about the jointly funded assistance under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements can be found by visiting www.TasRECOVERY.com

Below are two fact sheets outlining the Grants:

Emergency Management Plan

Tasmania continues to experience bushfires, floods and other natural disasters that have major impacts on communities, the economy and the environment. Emergencies can happen at any time and can have a big effect on your life.

Central Highlands Municipal Emergency Management Plan

The Central Highlands Municipal Emergency Management Plan details how Council will reduce emergency-related risks to the community. It also provides a way to mitigate and counter the impact and effects of an emergency that may arise within the municipal area.

View and download the plan: Central Highlands Municipal Emergency Management Plan